General Court of the European Union

The General Court – Ensuring EU Institutions Respect EU Law

How the Court works – the basics

The Preliminary Ruling Procedure – A Dialogue with National Courts

How does the EU pass LAWS?

Intellectual Property at the General Court

The Role of the Advocate General

Why does the Court of Justice of the EU Exist?

The Courts of the EU

M02S05U01 The Court of Justice of the European Union: Historical Evolution

Fundamental Case Law of the Court of Justice – Making EU Law Work for Citizens

European Court of Justice | EU Law

The division of competences between the Court of Justice and the General Court

30 years of the General Court – Commemorative film

Structure of the Court of Justice of the EU

Multilingualism at the Court of Justice of the EU – Ensuring equal access to justice

[Zoom In] International Skating Union v. European Commission

CJEU and General Court Case Law on EU Restrictive Measures (2020)

The Court of Justice in the Workplace – protecting the rights of workers

EUJI Project: Simulation of the Court of Justice of the EU - the General Court

Eleanor Sharpston-Litigating before the Court of Justice of the European Union

The Court of Justice: Guaranteeing the Rights of EU Consumers

Court of Justice of the EU and Other Institutions

EU top court confirms close to $4 bn fine imposed on Google | Latest World News | WION

EU Courts in the Time of Covid: Reinventing European Justice through Remote Hearings